OJH Quick Links
News & Events
Ozark High School is hosting a Transition and Resource Fair from 5-7 p.m. Feb. 25 at the Ozark Innovation Center for area junior high and high school-aged students who may be in special education, have a 504 or an IEP. The come-and-go event will be an informational night with more than 20 local agencies and organizations coming together to meet with parents, guardians and students to talk about types of support and help available.
In case Ozark School District needs to cancel school, use late start procedures or early release procedures due to inclement weather, we want you to be informed of the process. Student and faculty safety is the primary concern in making the call for cancelation versus late start or early release.
Ozark KITES students are always hard at work, but these last few weeks, they’ve been working a little extra as they wrap up their projects for the Ozark KITES Department Showcase Dec. 12.
Can you believe we're already wrapping up the first quarter? Time really flies! That means it's almost time for parent-teacher conferences across Tiger Paw, our elementary schools, OMS, OJH, FRS and OHS. Keep an eye on your inbox—you should be getting an email from your child's teacher soon to set up a time.
OJH Calendar
OJH Information
From Robotics Team to FCCLA to Key Club, there are lots of clubs and activities for students to get involved in at OJH!